viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010

Dividends from Spain to UK

Dividends from Spain to UK

The Spanish tax deducted from dividends paid by a Spanish Company at the agreement rate of 15 per cent (10 per cent where the recipient is a United Kingdom company controlling, directly or indirectly, at least 10 per cent of the voting power in the Spanish company - but see the final paragraph below) qualifies for credit as a direct tax. A reduction to the above rates is not given where the dividend is effectively connected with  a business carried on by the recipient through a permanent establishment in Spain.

Where the recipient of the dividend is a United Kingdom company controlling, directly or indirectly, at least 10 per cent of the voting power in the Spanish company paying the dividend, relief is also due for the underlying tax.

Although the agreement provides a 10 per cent rate of source state taxation in respect of direct investors, the EC Parent and Subsidiary Directive bars the imposition of withholding taxes on dividends paid by a company resident in one Member State of the Community to a company resident in another Member State, where the company receiving the dividend holds a minimum of 25 per cent of the capital of the company paying the dividend. The level of capital required to obtain the 0% rate is reduced to 20 per cent from 1 January 2005, 15% from 1 January 2007 and 10% from 1 January 2009.

The Directive overrides any provision made for withholding tax in the relevant bilateral treaty

jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

Accrued and capitalised interest

Accrued and capitalised interest

Some news about wealth and asset protection. According to the Savings Directive, "Savings income is also regarded as paid for the purposes of the regulations when a money debt is sold to a paying agent (or a receiving agent) or redeemed by the debtor. Interest added to an account with a bank or building society when the account is closed is interest in the normal way and treated as such under the regulations. However, accrued interest, premiums and discounts paid out at the redemption of securities by the issuer, or included in part of the price paid by a third party purchaser at sale before redemption are also savings income for the purposes of the regulations.

UK market makers who purchase interest–bearing securities from relevant payees or residual entities in prescribed territories or UK agents acting for the seller (e.g. stockbrokers) could therefore be paying agents for the purposes of these regulations. This could be the case even if they are not the paying agent in respect of the coupon payments made to the relevant payee or residual entity selling the securities.

Accrued or capitalised interest normally only arises if:

• a security is sold to the paying agent cum dividend (with an entitlement to the next coupon payment) - in those circumstances the price will include an amount of accrued interest for the period from the last coupon payment date to the date of transfer of the security

• it was a purchased by the seller at a discount, or

• the sale price includes, or takes account of, a premium that is paid on redemption by the issuer.

There is no reportable savings income payment when an interest–bearing security is purchased by a relevant payee or residual entity in a prescribed territory.

If the security is purchased ex dividend (without an entitlement to the next coupon payment), there will not normally be any accrued interest in the selling price and so there may be no reportable savings income. The next coupon payment to the relevant payee or residual entity may, of course, be reportable in the normal way under the regulations by the appropriate paying agent.

('repo') agreements do not give rise to reportable savings income (and manufactured payments which are representative of interest on such debts are also not reportable savings income - see paragraph 89). But a money debt which is acquired by a relevant payee or residual entity under a stock loan or repo agreement may give rise to savings income if the debt is sold, or if interest on the debt is received, by the relevant payee or residual entity during the term of the agreement.

For accrued or capitalised interest you may report either the amount of the savings income or the full amount of the proceeds of the sale or redemption of the securities. You may rely on information from established information vendors in order to determine the savings income realised on sale or redemption."

More about asset protection and wealth on asset protection

miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

“Home country” rule

"Home country" rule

According to the Savings Directive "You may, if you wish, determine whether or not a fund has exceeded a threshold, or the amount of savings income to report in accordance with the "home country" rule. This means that, for a fund established in a prescribed or relevant territory, or one of the five other territories (not prescribed in Appendix 1), this determination is done in accordance with the rules set by the territory in which the fund is established. You may also rely, as provided in paragraph 123, on information provided on this basis by recognized industry sources."

More information about international Lawyers on International Lawyers